
Eufranio Lima

Software Developer


About Me

I am a Computer Science student at Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil, since 2018. I enjoy developing small websites or applications, web and mobile apps, and Minecraft plugins/mods.



Web Developer

I have been working as Web Developer at SofTeam (junior enterprise from Universidade Federal de Sergipe) until then.



I have been working as freelancer since 2016, accepting many kinds of projects like websites, desktop applications, plugins and etc.


Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Apr 18 - Now

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

I am a student of Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil, since 2018



MagiBridge is a plugin for Minecraft that relays the in-game chat with Discord channels, forwarding messages, listing players, running commands and etc, written in Java using the Java Discord API, and Sponge for Minecraft.

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iVittar is a simple Android app which plays random Pabllo Vittar quotes when a button is pressed. Alternatively, users can play pre-defined (instead random) quotes. Sharing the audios is also available.

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MyPlanets is a Flutter project of an application for cataloguing sky entities and their relationship, made by me and Osanyo Victor for our Database class at university. It is able to create, modify and delete entities and their relationship, saving the data to a Firebase project.

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Stocker is a Flutter application for logistics management of products, powered by Firebase and Google Auth. Stocker is able to create, and edit products, stocks, as well as manage orders, clients and sellers, and store multiple stores for each user.

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